Celles-sur-Durolle is a rural village between Clermont-Ferrand and Saint-Étienne. Nestled in the heart of the Livradois-Forez Regional Natural Park, bang in the middle of a web of water courses, Celles-sur-Durolle has been blessed with an outstanding natural heritage, making it a paradise for outdoor activities: hiking, rides, mountain biking, fishing, hunting, wildcrafting… Fine cuisine and the art de vivre are central to life here. Cold cuts, pork-based dishes and, above all, moulet, a dish like no other made from calf ruffles, are just a few examples of enduring local traditions. The local economy revolves around cutlery, with a whole constellation of artisans and manufacturers who keep the flame of their unparalleled expertise alive. Cutlery fostered the development of metallurgical activities, mainly forges, mechanical work and industrial cutting. Celles-sur-Durolle is also a village with a strong agricultural base that shapes its land with a rich tapestry of crops. Its vibrant community life gives meaning to Celles-sur-Durolle's slogan: #Cellesquejaime —#TheCellesILove.